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Astrea 8 Private Equity Bonds

Astrea 8 is offering two classes of A rated bonds to the public: SGD 260 million Class A-1 @ 4.35% (5 years)  USD   50 million Class A-2 @ 6.35% (6 years) Application for the bonds will close on  17 July 2024 at 12 noon What are Astrea PE Bonds? Astrea is a bond programme where each series of bonds are backed by cash flows from a unique portfolio of PE funds. Astrea 8 is the latest series of PE bonds by Azalea. Given the history of my blog, I have covered all the issuances in the past and you can find the links below: Astrea IV  Astrea V Astrea VI Astrea 7 I have decided not to go through the details of the portfolio and how it works given I have written so many prior write ups.  You should read the gatefold and watch the management presentation available online. In the event you just want to meet the team behind the bonds, you can also sign up for the meet the people session taking place  next Monday evening (I saw it in the advertisements today).  In a nutshell, the portfolio is wel

Happy "Death" Anniversary 07.07.24 ?

The last time I penned a post on my anniversary was in July 2021. As a reminder, I started the blog on 07.07.07

Perhaps it was a sign of things since then, experiencing the slow and painful death on SGX over the last 3 years.

In many countries, the local stock exchanges are supported by government related entities or funds, well, not happening here (see article).

Many have called for action to jump start the stock market, including one from SIAS. The newspapers have also tried to talk up some of the stocks in its commentary but any interest in the featured stocks had rather short-lived.

If I can summarise the state of our stock market - don't bother to list here if you are not a bank or REIT. Even REITs are now challenged.   

So here I am, penning the obituary of my own blog with the article in the Straits Times acting as the final nail in the coffin. ðŸ¤•

I would really urge all the stakeholders to think about how to revive our dire market and time really to get the act together. Could we have done differently and take advantage of the geopolitical tensions to attract Shein to list (or dual list) here instead of London
We need some marquee listing to revive our markets and we need global fund managers to set up shops here instead of going to Dubai.

Time for MOF, MAS, IRAS, SGX, GIC, Temasek, Abrn, Blackrock to form a task force? Maybe they might send me an invite to chair the committee? ðŸ˜… SOS.... SOS.... SOS... time to Save Our SGX... 
